Private In-Home Speech Therapy

Family Support for Children with Disabilities (FSCD)Contracts

Online Speech Therapy

Pre-school & School District Contracts

Do you have a child with Autism? Are you worried that your child is not yet talking? Are you looking for Speech therapist ?

Do you suspect a problem with your child’s speech ? Do you think that your child might have a delayed speech ? Do you have an approved FSCD contract and looking for a speech therapist ? Do you want to book a private speech therapy visits at home ? Call us today at 587-839-4151 or email us at info@mapleleafsls.com

Early detection is vital!

Untreated speech and language difficulties can affect behavior, social interaction and future academic success.

Being able to communicate effectively is critical in the technologically advanced global economy of today. It is essential for maintaining quality of life, whether it be when interacting in the workplace, managing the academic and communication requirements of a classroom, or having a conversation with family and friends. Communication difficulty can impact the ability of an individual to maintain an adequate standard of living.

Find the in-home care you need quickly, easily and with confidence.


We mainly offer in-home speech therapy for children and adults during the day, after school hours and weekends.

Family Support for Children with Disabilities (FSCD) contracts

We are currently accepting Specialized services(SS) and Behavioural Development Services (BDS) Contracts.

Pre-school and School 

We work with daycares, pre-schools, play schools and kindergarten that support special needs students.


We also deliver effective and convenient one-on-one online speech and language therapy at the comfort of your home.

In-Home speech pathologist in Calgary

Speech Language Therapy

Speech and Language Therapy is an intervention service that focuses on improving speech and Langauge abilities( understanding and expressing oneself) including nonverbal language. A speech therapist or a speech pathologist is the professional who provides these services.

Educational & Functional Impact

Speech problems impact children’s education, daily activities and participation.

When initially learning to read and write, a child begins to use what he/she knows about sounds in speaking to help learn how to produce sounds in print. Using this knowledge effectively requires good speech sound production and phonological awareness skills (the ‘rules’ that determine how sounds can be used and combined in words).

So, don’t wait any longer! Feel confident in contacting us, as early identification and management of communication disorders is key to long-term commuincation success.

  • difficulty being understood

    One in ten Canadians have a speech, language or hearing problem. This means that one in ten Canadians have difficulty understanding other people or being understood by people. (Research)


    Children with delayed speech sound development are at risk for developing the early pre-reading and prewriting skills.

  • Difficulty building social relationships

    Difficulties clearly speaking and communicating with others can have a significant impact on social relationships. If listeners experience difficulties communicating with the child, they may be less willing to spend the time to figure out what they are trying to share with them.

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